Celebrating Excellence: Dr. Laurich Awarded the Stearns Prize for Outstanding Graduate Research

The Stearns Graduate Student Prize, awarded annually by the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) and the Journal of Evolutionary Biology (JEB), honours exceptional research by graduate students. Named after Stephen Stearns, a founding figure of JEB and ESEB, the prize recognizes innovative, technically challenging, and impactful studies.

Our newly-arrived Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Jason Laurich, is one of only three recipients of this award for 2023, received for his research paper that stemmed from a need to better understand the consequences of the diversity and abundance of mutualisms plants engage in within nature.

To explore this, Dr. Laurich and his undergraduate co-authors studied Turnera ulmifolia, a tropical plant found in Jamaica. By examining nearly 200 genetic varieties of the plant, they analyzed traits linked to pollination, seed dispersal, defense against herbivores, and reproduction. Using advanced statistical methods, they discovered something fascinating: certain traits—like those promoting outcrossing (mating between different individuals)—were genetically connected to traits that enhance pollination and defense.

This suggests that these traits may evolve together, helping plants better manage their partnerships with other species. Interestingly, these genetic connections also hint at how selection pressures from mutualists, like pollinators and defenders, might influence the shape of flowers, the way seeds are dispersed, and the protection of vital plant parts.

When the researchers zoomed in on local populations of T. ulmifolia, they found that genetic differences were relatively small. However, the variations they did find aligned with how plants adapt along the easiest evolutionary paths.

This research highlights the intricate dynamics of plant evolution, offering valuable insights into the interplay between genetics and ecological adaptation. We extend our sincere congratulations to Dr. Laurich for his remarkable achievement and dedication!

Dr. Laurich’s paper, Genetic architecture of multiple mutualisms and mating system in Turnera ulmifolia, can be accessed here.