what we aim towards
Our vision is to be a world leader in the science needed to monitor, understand, and manage the health and sustainability of Great Lake ecosystems.
The team
affiliated researchers
Reilly O’Connor + Charlotte Ward + Alexa Scott + Rachael Kieghan + Erica Plivelic (McCann Lab)
Celeste Landon + Sarah Rauf + Lilian Chan + Jacklyn Simonson (Bernhardt Lab)
Our Associates work alongside us in a variety of different manners, often co-operating on grant proposals, projects, and/or working groups. They include the following individuals from governmental and non-governmental agencies, as well as post-secondary institutions:
Sarah Alderman (University of Guelph) / Cindy Chu (DFO) / Steve Cooke (Carleton University) / Aaron Fisk (University of Windsor) / Evan Fraser (University of Guelph) / Beth Fulton (Centre for Marine Socioecology) / Todd Gillis (University of Guelph) / Robert Hanner (University of Guelph) / Tim Johnson (OMNRF) / Marten Koops (DFO) / Stu Ludsin (Ohio State University) / Andrew MacDougall (University of Guelph) / Bailey McMeans (University of Toronto) / Neil Rooney (University of Guelph) / Denina Simmons (University of Ontario Institute of Technology) / Tyler Tunney (DFO) / Wanhong Yang (University of Guelph) / Yingming Zhao (OMNRF)
Our Strategic Advisory Board (SAB) provides us with annual recommendations regarding the prioritization of our activities. These recommendations are rooted in the realms of research, teaching, and outreach. Current members of the Board include the following:
Heather Stirratt, Director (IJC)
Andrew Muir, Director of Science (GLFC)
Trisha Westman, Director, Science & Research (MNR)
Dave Brown, Director of Fish & Wildlife (MNR)
Hilary Oakman, Acting Regional Director of Aquatic Ecosystems (DFO)
Allison McPhee, Regional Director of Science (DFO)
Ryan Lauzon, Program Supervisor of Fisheries Management (Saugeen Ojibway Nation)
Dr. Jim Bence, Emeritus Faculty (QFC at MSU)
Dr. Mazyar Fallah, Dean of the College of Biological Sciences (UofG)
Dr. Robert Hanner, Professor (University of Guelph)
Heather Stirratt, Director (IJC) - Andrew Muir, Director of Science (GLFC) - Trisha Westman, Director, Science & Research (MNR) - Dave Brown, Director of Fish & Wildlife (MNR) - Hilary Oakman, Acting Regional Director of Aquatic Ecosystems (DFO) - Allison McPhee, Regional Director of Science (DFO) - Ryan Lauzon, Program Supervisor of Fisheries Management (Saugeen Ojibway Nation) - Dr. Jim Bence, Emeritus Faculty (QFC at MSU) - Dr. Mazyar Fallah, Dean of the College of Biological Sciences (UofG) - Dr. Robert Hanner, Professor (University of Guelph) -
An announcement pertaining to the appointment of our Strategic Advisory Board can be found here.
Partnerships & collaborations
get involved
join one of our Working Groups & collaborate with others
We develop workshops and working groups each year, tackling a variety of topics related to ecosystem management in the Great Lakes region.